Tuesday, December 30, 2008
1430H - New Year with New Hope
Sangat bz for the last 2 weeks..ambik nafas pun x berapa nak boleh...but now dah free!! hehe boleh buat sesuka hati di ofis :)
We are now in 1430H..new year with new hope! I'm not going to declare any of my resolution here, maklumlah bukan senang nak mencapainya..heheh so better simpan dalam hati aje :P
Anyway, i'd like to congratulate my lil sis for getting 8a's in her PMR. (Good achievement to start your new year!)...and also one of my friend who's just got pregnant ( a new addition of your family this new year - insyaALLAH)
Me also have some something exciting to start this new year ( but can't revealed it now lah..later ok). All in all saya tidak sabar menempuh 1430H dengan sesuatu yang baru (dan menggembirakan gitu...)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Qaisara 19-month-old
What's your toddler doing? At around 19 months, your toddler begins to understand when things don't conform to grownup ideas. She'll laugh at something that's obviously wrong — like calling a giraffe a zebra or calling a brother a sister. (She laughed seeing Pocoyo acted as Superpocoyo). She'll also notice when something isn't quite right, like an eye missing from her stuffed bear or a new stain on the carpet. (yup, she will alert me when her milk spilled 'mama, tupah (read: mama, tumpah)
Although you're probably still understanding less than half of what your toddler says, she's getting a handle on most of the words you use around her. She's also having a vocabulary spurt and putting together pairs of words, like "Me go" or "You put." ( plus: Babah, wetap [read: Babah, wake up], mama, cipat [read: mama, cepat], ish ish ucukkkk [read: ish ish busuk]
As for social development, go slow. Your toddler will get all the stimulation she needs from unstructured play, so steer clear of formal lessons, such as dance or music, until she's at least 3. Play dates give her a chance to play near other children, but don't expect her to truly interact just yet. (Her playdate so far is her favourite kakak Aqish-sampai termimpi2 okeh, suka sangat main ngan atis)
She's such a copycat now. Follow everything u do, anything u say. Staying one whole day in nursery, makes her bringing back quite a lot of new words and new 'behaviour' each day:
Qaisara: Mama, Mama
Me: No reply
Qaisara: Mama!
Me: No reply
Qaisara: Mama, woi mama! [read in a very high-pitch sound]
Me: Erk
And owh, she now has started to appreciate baby, pandai sayang baby (by trying to kiss, hug and play with the baby), eventhough she still refers herself as baby :)
But wait, this is not a hint that she'll be getting one at home to play with ;)
note: takziah to Aisyah, di atas pemergian ayahanda tersayang...semoga rohnya tenang di sana..
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
She made me panic, again!
1) to pick up Qaisara from nursery
2) to fetch my husband at his office @ KLCC
3) to pick up cupcakes for our cousin's wedding in Keramat
4) to send the cupcakes to our cousin's house @ Taman Melati
5) to have dinner @ their house
So there we go. Hubby was fasting that day, and the moment i reached his office it was about time for iftar. Hubby requested to break his fast @ KLCC, nak makan dekat Manhattan Fish Market katanya..but i said 'kita makan kat rumah aunt Norlia je la, diorang dah masak dah pun...u beli roti dekat petrol pump je la dulu'
We stopped by and got some buns for him. Qaisara requested for her milk and i fed her as usual lah kan. 10 mins later, guess what? She vomitted her milk she drank and habis carseat depan...duhh.We stopped at other petrol station nearby, to clean up all the mess. Poor Sara kena pakai baju yang dia dah pakai during the day...sebab baju tido dah kotor (and we don't have spare shirt)
The journey continued, we reached Kak Chik's house to pick up the cupcakes. Qaisara looked ok..with her baju comot :P. She ate a few kuih raya, and drank some plain water. Half an hour later, off we went to Taman Melati to deliver the cupcakes. Being only about 10 mins in the car, she vomitted again! This time all kuihs and plain water came out...poor baby nangis lagi...plus seluar and tudung mamanya habis kena muntah. And oh, carseat belakang juge ya...
At Taman Melati she vomitted 3 more times, we decided to bring her to doctor. I called her caretaker to check what she ate, or did she fell or did anything happen today? She ate nasi lemak a bit today, the rest is as normal as the other day...hmmmm... was it nasi lemak?
At the clinic , 2 more times: before and after we met the doctor. Thank god x jumpa sesiapa yang dikenali...i was wearing purple-colour office wear with turqoise seluar jogging! Macam *n*o* ok. And final vomit of the day was after she drank plain water on the way back home. All those counted as 8 ? In 4 hours? Oh my....
We reached home at almost 12 AM. She was asleep by then. Lega gila bila dia minum susu twice throughout the night and x muntah lagi...thanks doc for the medicine..
Today she looks ok, hopefully she is ok. Please pray for her ya!
**can't imagine how the scenario would change if we were having our dinner at Manhattan Fish Market..masak mak nak oi
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A ( not-so ) raya story
She was having high-fever on and off a week before raya, when the red thingy popped out, baru la kitorg tahu what makes her so cranky and uncomfy...
1) To give her coconut drink: no red spot hidden inside the body, all must out!
2) To not expose her to rain, this will lead to something worse (as they said lah)
3) No chicken, beef, seafood
4) No jalan raya
5) No etc
Unfortunately, babah couldn't stand the rule no 4. And the results, we keep kena marah everytime we go raya. Tension tul lah. Tension betul dgn babah. Sit still, no one shout at us. The end. Later still we can go raya...Grrrrrrr
On the 5th of raya...no more reddish body over Qaisara...so kira dah baiklah. Her nenek melaka was so kind-hearted that she prepared a green-colour paste to be applied to her body..Utk buang miang and sejukkan badan yang gatal, katanya.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
My Lil Einstein @ 17 mos

It takes quite a loooong time to update my lil einstein's (why einstein? tgk rambutlaa mmg einstein :P ) progress....of course she's progressing very well:
-Can run now, penat gila nak kejar esp @shopping complex area
-Understands simple order
-love to sing and dance
-brave enough to explore new things (walaupun mula2 tu mcm takut2)
-Can clearly pronounce few words:
mama: me, of course
babah: her father
caaantik: cantik
aatuk: atuk
niknik: nenek
aati: auntie
bek: bird
beek: bag
nakni/naak: nak ini/nak
nanak: tak nak
tatak: kakak
adik: adik
jatuh: jatuh
adui: adoi
tati: kaki
yee: yeay
aiss: eyes
yeh: hair
taa: star
babaii: bye
duk: duduk
dok: dog (wu wu: woof woof)
tek: cat
pishh: fish
and lots more that i can't really remember..byk vocab jugak dah boleh sebut...her caretaker did inform me, 'dia ni cakap clear, x pelat...' wah cepatla bercakap anak mama ni...senang mama nak tau sara nak apa...
I'm grateful to the One, as now her airways is not as sensitive as previous time. Her immunity gets stronger each and every day...no more nebulising session, yeay!
Am happy and glad to see her growing up in front of me. I bet, pejam celik pejam celik, kompom dah turn to anak dara anak aku niii..
Thursday, September 11, 2008
My Bestest Friend is pregnant!
......and i was like among the last to know? Ampeh tul..when I started being kepochi about that...people will say things like: weh lama dah, la ko x tau lagi? / aku rasa dia pregnant lagi awal dpd h*r**a* duh. pot lah
BTW folks: i'd like to spread the invitation to Hi-Fivers BukaPuasa@Sabak Seafood & BBQ this 21st of Sept (Sunday). Pls pls come over so that we can gossip (macam biasala kan..) and update each other! Bring together your hubby, wifey, kiddos, bf, gf, fiance ok!
Appreciate your confirmation by 15th of Sept by SMS/phone call/email.
And oh, this SMS of confirmation was actually telling me the great news (mentioned just now)
Congratulations Lenot! Happy for You!!!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
How's your first day?
First and foremost, Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadhan..telah tiba juga bulan yang ditunggu2 umat Islam sedunia...semoga kita masing-masing memanfaatkan kesempatan yang ada ini, mengumpul pahala sebanyak yang boleh.
I found this upon my reading:
Do'a malaikat Jibril menjelang Ramadhan
"Ya Allah tolong abaikan puasa ummat Muhammad, apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan hal-hal yang berikut:
* Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua orang tuanya (jika masih ada);
* Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu antara suami isteri;
* Tidak bermaafan terlebih dahulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya.
Maka Rasulullah pun mengatakan Amiin sebanyak 3 kali. Dapatkah kita bayangkan, yang berdo'a adalah Malaikat dan yang meng-amiinkan adalah Rasullullah dan para sahabat, dan dilakukan pada hari Jumaat.
So saya ingin memohon ampun dan maaf, seandainya ada salah dan silap dan semoga kita sama2 mendapat kelebihan di bulan yang berkat ini...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I've been tagged!
.....by Jun :
1) Nama-nama timangan anda:
Among family n friends: Noori, Along
2) Anda seorang yang:
Hmm..garang ;)
3) Insan Teristimewa ?? Describe kan Dia Terlalu Istimewa Dimata Anda:
Qaisara Muhammad Khairie (read: my daughter n my dear husband)
They are too special sampai x boleh nak describe...bukan senang nak beranak ok, so mmg lah special baby yang dah diberanakkan tu...and of course lah org yang berjaya membuatkan aku kena beranak tu lagi special..sbb klu dia tak de, tak tau lah boleh beranak ke tidak haku ini.. *winks*
4) Lagu kesukaan anda:
At this moment, lagu tema PKR LoL
5) Makanan kesukaan anda:
6) Warna Kesukaan Anda:
Merah Merah Merah
7) Sikap Yang Membuat Anda Stress:
Sikap siapa ye? Sikap diri sendiri ke? Ke sikap org lain yang buat kita stress?
8) Tiga benda yang mesti ada dalam beg anda:
-Diapers Qaisara
9) Kali terakhir masa anda menangis dan kenapa:
Last weekend. Sebab kena marah dengan Muhammad Khairie sebab rumah bersepah :(
10) Tag 6 rakan anda:
Edame, ChePah, Aisyah, Anness, Nannoor, Faryna
Friday, August 01, 2008
Your Kisses Are Medium-Hot |
![]() Your kisses are definitely sexy, but you're not about to make anyone gasp for air. You take it slow and steady... and you ramp things up when you get the right signals. Your kissing style is adaptable and adept. And people who kiss you love it! |
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A quick one
I know..i know...it's been months for no update..can see page getting dusty ;)
Too many things happened each and every day...mmg x de masa nak update ok..
My past 11/2 months was really occupied with:
1) Preparation (and celebration) of my bro's wedding
2) Setelkan reno rumah (alone) sbb husband away masa tu
2) Packing, unpacking things to our new home (iye..kami sudah pindah yee..)
3) Wedding Appreciation Vacation to Langkawi
4) Outstation dan outstation
As of now, i guess will (again) getting bz for this (and nextcoming month):
1) Preparation (and celebration) of my sis-in-law's wedding
2) Touchup our home (cat pun x habis lagii..)
3) MPLS CCIP Exam preparation
Saja nak bgtau handphone hilang, so semua numbers lost! (And also Qaisara's pics masa kecik) bengang gila..so pls pls mail/sms me your numbers ye kawan2 (btw i'm still reachable either via my Maxis or Celcom)
So later peeps, for more updates!
p/s: I'd like to invite all of you to come to my SIL wedding @ Bandar Baru Bangi on 9/8/2008. Pls call me eh, i'll give you direction to the place. See ya, Tata
Friday, June 06, 2008
Bila Minyak sudah 2.70/litre
Things done this lunchie time, in sequence:
1) Meet K*nt to discuss our new home reno progress@ our new place
2) Pay housing loan and do some database update @ *L* Bank
2) Deposit some $$ to N*h** @ C**B Bank
3) Grab KFC Snack Plate for lunch
4) Balik rumah and angkat baju yang dah kering @balcony
5) Pay water bill @ our apt management office
WahWah, sangat bangga bcoz all done. Rasa cam best je...tapi bila tgk fuel meter: sudah turun almost 1 takuk!!! huaaaaa tensen siot...minyak mahal nak refill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terus spoil my day :(
Adakah kita akan melalui hari2 yang mendatang seperti ini? *sad*
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Backdated event: 02062008

Di mataku kau begitu indah
Kau membuat diriku akan selalu memujamu
Di setiap langkahku ku kan
selalu memikirkan dirimu
Tak bisa ku bayangkan
Hidupku tanpa cintamu
Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
tak kan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa
Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidup ku lengkapi diriku oh sayang engkau begitu sempurna
Kau genggam tanganku saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh kau bisikkan dan hapus semua sesalku
Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
tak kan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa
Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidup ku lengkapi diriku oh sayang engkau begitu sempurna .. sempurna
Sayangku engkau begitu sempurna.. sempurna.. sempurna..
credit to: Andra and the Backbone
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Life is so hard when he is away
Ni baru 2 hari, Qaisara dah start buat perangai dah..She gets cranky easily, and asyik nak kepit je..pagi tadi kat nursery she cried when i left her to work..sian sangat..selalu siap lambai2..ni nangis pulak :(
Another 1 week plus to go..can't wait! Sian gile tgk Qaisara(and kesian pada mamanya juge)
Monday, May 26, 2008
Harizah's Bachelorette Party
This activity was started on 2005, celebrating Aisyah's day...we did melalak 1 mlm kat karaoke, and got the chance to accompany her lingerie(s) shopping. Kelaka la time tu sbb most of us tak kawen lagi...Then, continue pulak with my party mid of 2006, held somewhere @ Sg Apa ntah nama dia (Miah, help dah lupeee) Best giler enjoying our BBQ sambil mandi2 sungai and having hair spa...besttt, mmg best..especially bila part knowledge sharing tu. I still remember, Faryna nye lamb sangat sedapp..dgn jagung bakar Aisyah lagi..*droool* And the most interesting part was we were freely to gossip and gossip without the presence of our boipren/hubby/fiance. Tapi cuak siot since Aisyah was pregnant that time, and siap boleh cramp masa mandi sungai huuu thank god, nothing happened.
Bachelorette (episode: lenot) was antara yang sadis..timing cam ok..tp last2 sikit je join..(yang tak tahan bride-to-be siap balik awal tu sbb kena pergi hospital ON CALL. Last2 tinggal kitorg je mandi pantai huuuuu. Resulting hotel room@PD tu jadi cam kosong je..still, we enjoyed ourself even though without the bride to be hehehehe
So for Harizah's one..a very memorable picnic@KLCC park, followed by body massage, foot spa, hair spa..pergh rasa macam princess. Stripper pon ade...Qaisara, Aqish and Dania volunteered themselves to replace the absent stripper (Nafis yang demam). Adala show sikit2 dlm bath tub *winks* Lupa lagi..we (read: aisyah n miah) did karaoke all night long. Enjoy siot!
All of all, yang paling best is when we can gather, and share all stories, nasihat2..and yang paling best flash back cerita zaman sekolah!
So who's party next eh?
Friday, May 23, 2008
Feeling Happy
Happy because Huggies Dry Diapers sold@30.99 for L(72)~~Happy because i reached office soo early ~~Happy because my baby is recovering from her bronchitis~~Happy because i know i can move to our own house by next month~~Happy to sign an agreement that makes my eyes glow n glow~~Happy because we'll be having a get-together picnic tomorrow~~
ooh i'm just HAPPY!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Yiha 1~ Qaisara turns 13 mos
being cheeky each and every day, she really makes us appreciate our life; even more..
-sangat manja, especially with me
-loves to get my phone ( or tv/dvd/astro remote control) and pretend to speak over the phone
-always takes the astro remote control and pretends to change the channel we're watching ( selalu mmg tukar terus channel, bukan berlakon je)
-loves watching tv (cartoon especially)
-will kiss me (or anybody) when i (anybody) say sayang (mama/doll/anybody)
-will cium tangan if you say salam
-will dance when listening to the songs
-loves pocoyo and thomas n friends so much
-will clap her hands when she is happy
-loves to sengih2, showing off her teeth
-her hair is getting curlier, like her babah of course
-will raise her hand to catch your attention (nak suruh dukungla tuu)
-will kerut muka when you say no
-loves her shape-sorter
-don't really like girlie toys but prefer trucks, car, mechanical type of toys
-will pass whatever in her hand when i (we) say can i (we) have it please
-good at making friends (but it takes time)
-loves swimming pool and playground
-loves to scream
-good at pretending baik n comey in front of people ( behave baik punyaa)
-very penggeli to hairy/flurry thing (eg: her babah's curly hair and her nursery-mate's hair, bulu2 dekat sejadah)
Still not walking yet, tp dah boleh berdiri sendiri...really hope she will be able to walk very soon. Any tips out there?
Yiha 2~We've gotten our house key!
Can't wait to move in! We are now busy searching things for our house (this is so tough sbb budget is very ciput, and time-constraint reason too). Lucky me to have sisters involved in Interior Design and Architecture area, throwing tons of design ideas (but that doesn't help much, again budget cipuuut)
if you have any useful tips/info, pls pls pls share with me ok!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Untuk Emak n Abah
~Selamat Menyambut Ulangtahun perkahwinan yang ke-29, semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat~
p/s: i am proud to be your daughter!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Kuantan Trip was organized by my hubby’s colleague. It’s kinda get-to-know-each-other-more event, basically our family and his other 2 friend’s family. Dunno what is so best about Kuantan that makes them deciding this place to go. Very the non-cuti2 Malaysia...but hey, ok la jugak sebenarnya Kuantan ni...ada nice beach (read=Swiss Garden Resort n Spa@Pantai Balok Beach), yummy (and damn cheap) seafood and ada Kuantan Parade n Berjaya Megamall hehe...
Disini la...Pak Su@ Kg Bahagia Beserah
......the most important thing is: it's only me, hubby and Qaisara in a hotel room!
Only 3 of us, yeay!
This is our very2 first time 3 gether..selalunya mesti with Qaisara's Atuk/Nenek/Auntie's companion.
Happy Sandy Time!
2.Phuket Trip
A week after Jalan2 Kuantan, kitorg pegi pulak ke Phuket..pity little Qaisara kena tinggal. Personally i think Phuket is not suitable for baby at the age of Qaisara bcoz:
1) The weather is hot (me sunburn, siap mengelupas2 kulit)
2) Baby still can't enjoy Thai Massage (which we really feeeeell it!)
3) I don't think baby can stay at the beach from the sun rise, until almost 12 PM (which we really can)
4) Tak romantikla bawak Qaisara..(give us some sweet time together eh baby)
3) Qaisara’s First Year
She turned 1 on 8th of April. She ate a lot sampai tergolek2 penat on that day, claimed the caretaker@the nursery. My baby..tapi sekarang semakin manja..tak boleh berenggang langsung dengan her babah and mama. Why eh? Bukan dah besar lagi 'macho' ke?
A week before her birthday was really a drama..Mula2 fever, and then bronchiolitis again: being the worst ever in her 1st year of life. Need to be nebulised every 3 hours resulting her mama EL lagi for 2 days. Thank god Qaisara's paeds was really helpful (siap bagi nebulizer machine lagi, so Qaisara doesn't need to be admitted) Alhamdulillah after 1 week, she recovered.
Her first birthday bash was held at her nursery. It was a simple celebration only, since Qaisara pun tak reti appreciate lagi the celebration. Tapi mama and babah telah berjaya membuat goodie bag Qaisara with her favourite cartoon on it. Sangat gigih melipat sampai pukul 2 pagi ok..
more pics will be uploaded @ my flickr
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Happy 1 year old Qaisara
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Most of people who surround me was like, really celebrating the results of our General Election. Hubby and in-laws stayed up until 4AM waiting for the results (sorryla wa nak tunggu, dah penat standby kat spr siangnya tuu). I wake up in the morning with a very big surprise: witnessing 5 states now being taken by the opponents..yeah indeed a big surprise (kudos!)
I don't want to comment much on this, because i don't really care that much..i just wish:
1) Free toll
2) 1.92 per litre of fuel, and no other increasing figure on the metre!
3) A totally free education and medication
To you who have power now, please please please prove it to us that you guys can do it and help us. And lastly, to you guys who ' kalau potong jari gerenti darah kaler biru':
This is not the time for emotions. We must regroup and not lash out at anyone. Chaiyo!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Well for me it depends on the owner itself. Anyway, it's your blog: so suka hatila nak buat apa pun kan? I blog for fun, (sebab tu selalu x update heee). Some people blog for business (marketing strategies), some people blog to share their opinion n to voice out their concerns, to share with public what their life are like, what they do everyday bla bla..some blogs give good tips on cooking, babycare, grooming, health-concious, politics and so on
Just now i browsed one regular blog i visited, and i can smell 'a war' there. Hmmm..should i say perang mulut or somethin? When readers/visitors comment something that may hurt the bloggers, start la berbalas2 comment which bila baca merah jugela telinga and (or) muka...
Well, face the music..you open your blog to public and expect everybody to compliment, to say oh i agree with you, or to say what a good writing you have done! Of course that won't happen. Sebab ramai manusia dimuka bumi jenis yang hasad dengki n asyik x puas hati je tgk org lain bergembira..biasala tu kan..
Sebab tu ada ramai jugak blogger yang restrict the access only to invited readers aje..so boleh la dia control the readers. Hmmm comment pun boleh tapis dulu sebelum being viewed inside the blog. That sounds more practical, aite? So bloggers yang open the blog to public? Why should you be so offensive when it comes to things like this? it's the risk, and of course you have way to settle it. Restrict aje access..Biar padan muka org yg comment jahat2 tu x dpt baca lg heee. Sometimes i feel sympathy for them, but actually it's you to decide how it should be managed.
Morale of the story, selamba badak aje la...klu nk ramai org baca (and comment) your blog, open it to public, or else restrict aje access.
note: saya menghabiskan masa standby di satu tempat and have to stay here till 12am, national interest punya reason la konon..tu yg merapu ni..bosan! me want to go home!!!!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
My Birthday was on 15th of Feb!
Your Birthdate: February 15 |
![]() You take life as it is, and you find happiness in a variety of things. You tend to be close to family and friends. But it's hard to get into your inner circle. Making the little things wonderful is important to you, and you probably have an inviting home. You seek harmony with others, but occasionally you have a very stubborn streak. Your strength: Your intense optimism Your weakness: You shy away from exploring your talents Your power color: Jade Your power symbol: Flower Your power month: June |
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
10 months old Ustazah Qaisara ;)
Monday, February 11, 2008
07022008~Happy Birthday Husband!
I found a love wonderful and true
Just look how we've gotten this far
And getting better every day.
As time goes by I love you more
Know my love you I adore
You mean the world to me and yet so much more.
Here's hoping your birthday will be one you'll adore.
Happy Birthday Sayang!
Monday, February 04, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Resolution 1429
Of life n family:
-Gave birth to a very beautiful baby (Qaisara binti Muhammad Khairie)
What has not been achieved:
-Adapted myself with new title: mama yang perlu pergi kerja di pagi hari, mengambil baby di nursery di waktu petang, memasak and mengemas rumah apabila sampai di rumah + menjaga baby, membasuh baju sebelum tidur dan menjemurnya esok hari, stand-by and get ready to receive call from the office at 3 AM+ entertain baby (juga kadangkala babahnya) di waktu malam(atau awal pagi). OWH SANGAT MENCABAR MINDA!
What to achieve:
-To raise my baby, and fulfil her needs
-To be the iron lady (yang sangat gagah mengemas rumah, memasak, membasuh baju dan menjaga anak [serta suami] dengan jayanya)
-To take care of my husband better, to prepare his breakfast everyday (now i don't)
Of career development:
-Manage to refresh/recertify my C***O Certified Network Professional at almost year end (3rd quarter of the year actually)
What has not been achieved:
-Naik pangkat :(
What to achieve:
-Complete my C***O Certified Internetwork Professional by year end
-Bekerja gigih supaya dapat naik pangkat hehe
Of health and beauty:
-Managed to get my ideal weight, but now again: underweight :((
-Stretch mark i got during pregnancy gone almost 80%.
What has not been achieved:
-Muka yang cantik dan licin. Uncontrollable acne during my pregnancy, causing the 'comot'-est face i have now. And no facial treatment until now. Poor me. it's true.
What to achieve:
-To gain weight
-Facial treatment-go away acne!
-To get rid of the stretch mark.
Wah banyak nye. Mampukah? Good luck to me
--12 Muharam 1429
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Maal Hijrah 1429
MUHARAM adalah bulan pertama dalam tahun Islam (Hijrah). Sebelum Rasulullah berhijrah dari Makkah ke Yathrib, kiraan bulan dibuat mengikut tahun Masihi. Hijrah Rasulullah memberi kesan besar kepada Islam sama ada dari sudut dakwah Rasulullah, ukhuwwah dan syiar Islam itu sendiri.
Pada asasnya, Muharam membawa maksud 'diharamkan' atau 'dipantang', iaitu Allah SWT melarang melakukan peperangan atau pertumpahan darah. Namun demikian larangan ini ditamatkan setelah pembukaan Makkah (Al Baqarah: 91). Sejak pemansuhan itu, umat Islam boleh melaksanakan tugas dan ibadat harian tanpa terikat lagi dengan larangan berkenaan.
Peristiwa-peristiwa penting di bulan Muharam:
1 Muharam - Khalifah Umar Al-Khattab mula membuat penetapan kiraan bulan dalam Hijrah.
- Nabi Adam bertaubat kepada Allah.
- Nabi Idris diangkat oleh Allah ke langit.
- Nabi Nuh diselamatkan Allah keluar dari perahunya sesudah bumi ditenggelamkan selama enam bulan.
- Nabi Ibrahim diselamatkan Allah dari pembakaran Raja Namrud.
- Allah menurunkan kitab Taurat kepada Nabi Musa.
- Nabi Yusuf dibebaskan dari penjara.
- Penglihatan Nabi Yaakob yang kabur dipulihkkan Allah.
- Nabi Ayub dipulihkan Allah dari penyakit kulit yang dideritainya.
- Nabi Yunus selamat keluar dari perut ikan paus setelah berada di dalamnya selama 40 hari 40 malam.
- Laut Merah terbelah dua untuk menyelamatkan Nabi Musa dan pengikutnya dari tentera Firaun.
- Kesalahan Nabi Daud diampuni Allah.
- Nabi Sulaiman dikurniakan Allah kerajaan yang besar.
- Hari pertama Allah menciptakan alam.
- Hari Pertama Allah menurunkan rahmat.
- Hari pertama Allah menurunkan hujan.
- Allah menjadikan 'Arasy.
- Allah menjadikan Luh Mahfuz.
- Allah menjadikan alam.
- Allah menjadikan Malaikat Jibril.
- Nabi Isa diangkat ke langit.

Doa Akhir Tahun dibaca 3 kali pada akhir waktu Asar atau sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib pada akhir bulan Zulhijjah. Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, Syaitan berkata:
"Kesusahan bagiku dan sia-sia lah pekerjaanku menggoda anak Adam pada setahun ini dan Allah binasakan aku satu saat jua. Dengan sebab membaca doa ini, Allah ampunkan dosanya setahun"
Tidak lupa juga berdoa meraikan kedatangan 1429H:

Doa Awal Tahun dibaca 3 kali selepas maghrib pada malam satu Muharram. Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, Syaitan berkata: |
"Telah amanlah anak Adam ini daripada godaan pada tahun ini kerana Allah telah mewakilkan dua Malaikat memeliharanya daripada fitnah Syaitan"
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Our raya holiday was a long, joyful holiday. What we did during that time:
1) We enjoyed our daging Qurban: Buat Sate!
3) 'Mari membuat beading works' project (tapi sampai sekarang x siap lagi)
4) My bro's wedding preparation: managed to get our 'uniform' for the big day, tempah pelamin and baju bersanding, and also nikah.
5) Melawat Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah, a lot to explore: so many things changed already!
- Window Shopping@Dataran Pahlawan
-Shopping @Mahkota Parade (ada Timberland FOS-mcm x percayeee)
-Melawat Eye on Malacca (mini Eye on Malaysia)
-Jalan2 @Stadthuys, A Famosa, Jonker Street (macam lawatan sambil belajar masa sekolah rendah pulak hehe)
-Makan cendol@Bandar Hilir
- Experienced Christmas celebration@ Portuguese Square
-Melawat (solat) Masjid Selat
6) Enjoyed seafood @ The famous Medan Ikan Bakar Umbai.
And owh, we met Santa@the Portuguese Square. Can you spot him in the pics?