Kuantan Trip was organized by my hubby’s colleague. It’s kinda get-to-know-each-other-more event, basically our family and his other 2 friend’s family. Dunno what is so best about Kuantan that makes them deciding this place to go. Very the non-cuti2 Malaysia...but hey, ok la jugak sebenarnya Kuantan ni...ada nice beach (read=Swiss Garden Resort n Spa@Pantai Balok Beach), yummy (and damn cheap) seafood and ada Kuantan Parade n Berjaya Megamall hehe...
Disini la...Pak Su@ Kg Bahagia Beserah
......the most important thing is: it's only me, hubby and Qaisara in a hotel room!
Only 3 of us, yeay!
This is our very2 first time 3 gether..selalunya mesti with Qaisara's Atuk/Nenek/Auntie's companion.
Happy Sandy Time!
2.Phuket Trip
A week after Jalan2 Kuantan, kitorg pegi pulak ke Phuket..pity little Qaisara kena tinggal. Personally i think Phuket is not suitable for baby at the age of Qaisara bcoz:
1) The weather is hot (me sunburn, siap mengelupas2 kulit)
2) Baby still can't enjoy Thai Massage (which we really feeeeell it!)
3) I don't think baby can stay at the beach from the sun rise, until almost 12 PM (which we really can)
4) Tak romantikla bawak Qaisara..(give us some sweet time together eh baby)
3) Qaisara’s First Year
She turned 1 on 8th of April. She ate a lot sampai tergolek2 penat on that day, claimed the caretaker@the nursery. My baby..tapi sekarang semakin manja..tak boleh berenggang langsung dengan her babah and mama. Why eh? Bukan dah besar lagi 'macho' ke?
A week before her birthday was really a drama..Mula2 fever, and then bronchiolitis again: being the worst ever in her 1st year of life. Need to be nebulised every 3 hours resulting her mama EL lagi for 2 days. Thank god Qaisara's paeds was really helpful (siap bagi nebulizer machine lagi, so Qaisara doesn't need to be admitted) Alhamdulillah after 1 week, she recovered.
Her first birthday bash was held at her nursery. It was a simple celebration only, since Qaisara pun tak reti appreciate lagi the celebration. Tapi mama and babah telah berjaya membuat goodie bag Qaisara with her favourite cartoon on it. Sangat gigih melipat sampai pukul 2 pagi ok..
more pics will be uploaded @ my flickr
waa,bessnye jalan2!!! bila la nak ada peluang camtuh huhu...
sooo cute aa goodie bag qaisara tuh, serius ke korang buat sendiri? cana nak buat tuh noori? mane tau nak kene wat gak nanti kan hehe
jom ah join jenjalan later...safurah pun nk join our next escapade..hehehe..serius buat paperbag tu sendiri, tp design cut n paste aje :P
Comelnyer goodie bag birthday Qaisara! Kalau Haris pandai appreciate mesti dia jealous! Hehehe
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