Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Bestest Friend is pregnant!

......and i was like among the last to know? Ampeh tul..when I started being kepochi about that...people will say things like: weh lama dah, la ko x tau lagi? / aku rasa dia pregnant lagi awal dpd h*r**a* duh. pot lah

BTW folks: i'd like to spread the invitation to Hi-Fivers BukaPuasa@Sabak Seafood & BBQ this 21st of Sept (Sunday). Pls pls come over so that we can gossip (macam biasala kan..) and update each other! Bring together your hubby, wifey, kiddos, bf, gf, fiance ok!

Appreciate your confirmation by 15th of Sept by SMS/phone call/email.

And oh, this SMS of confirmation was actually telling me the great news (mentioned just now)

"Confirm pergi 2 adults + 1 baby dlm perut"

Congratulations Lenot! Happy for You!!!


rawsktar said...

congratz to kak lenot!!saya pun tumpang gembira.

Anonymous said...

yey!!!! cgratz not!!

don't worry noori.. aku dah byk tertinggal cerita dah .. 6 bulan terperuk tak tau cite.. hehehe...

and... h*r**a* pon???????????

serious aku rasa cam katak bawah tempurung!!

napish said...

Aness: Gembira kan? heheh x sabar nak tgk nnt anak dia genius tahap melampau cam mak dia ke x :P

Faryna: Iye h*r**a* pun. Tp lenot dulu preknen dpd dia. Gitu2

jun jusof said...

hehe, gossip! congrats to lenot & h***a* - uihh, susah tol nak make sure * kat tempat yg btl hihi..
Nway korang, sori sgt2 x dpt join!! kalo 20th boleh laa... ahad kerja cni huhu..
nway faryna - lamanye tak dgr kaba!!!! how r u?

napish said...

Ala June, amikla cuti Ahad tuu..sekali sekala ;)

rawsktar said...

hahahahahhaha..genius melampau dan gelak vibrate tanpa suara.hahaha.

jun jusof said...

tu la igt nak cuti, but already taken thursday, sambung cuti nuzul... sorry sgt2... nx yr maybe?