Friday, October 26, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya!!!

~Mari bermaafan di Hari Raya~

Raya sebulan..INDEED! Last Sunday (dated 11/11) was finally how our 'raya kan sebulan' ended..still, 3 open house to attend (and of course to collect duit raya Qaisara ngeheheh). Very tiring, hectic raya this year. Weekends were full with open house and raya hopping (i didn't manage to settle even basic house chores on weekend, raya punya pasal la kan.. *wink*

However we had much fun! You know what, raya with your own baby defines new feelings: Semangat kutip duit raya!!! Qaisara managed to get around RM 800 (exact amt need to check with her Babah cum En bendahari). OK la tu, for year kita kutip lagi..hehe

Qaisara's 1st raya experience

Babah Qaisara was really keen with Raya Hopping 10AM-10PM concept this year (and mama pun terpengaruh juge). We had raya hopping for our school friends and my office team-mate (dunno why hubby's office raya hopping x jadi).

My team-mate Raya Hopping

Itu saje cerita, back to work!


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