Tuesday, September 21, 2010
in the mood of updating
It's been months! Pemaleh betul nak update eheh. I've been busy for nothing lately..Ntah apa yang busy pun tak tahu..tapi bila nak update je..konon2 tak sempat :P
Too many things happened this few months..but again, i'm just too lazy to remember all that. All i know:
My darling daughter has grown up so fast (how I wish it happens not too fast)
We are blessed with 2 boys (it's our sisters' son)
What else? To be updated soon.
Pathetic post, isn't it?
Monday, May 03, 2010
Fact 1:
My mother's Name: Katijah binti Md Said [read: nek jah]
My only nephew at this moment: Aqeef Abbasy [read: adik Aqeef]
Fact 2:
Lagu standard yang budak kecik will be taught, then akan suka nyanyi repetitously:
Bapa ku pulang dari kota
Bapaku belikan kereta
Kereta kecil warna merah
Boleh ku bawa ke sekolah
Pon Pon Pon Pon Pon Pon Pon Pon Pon
Kereta kecilku berbunyi
Marilah adik mari naik
Boleh kubawa kerumah nenek
Fact 3:
Lagu standard yang dah modified and sang by Qaisara:
Bapa ku pulang dari kotak
Bapaku belikan kereta
Kereta kecil warna merah
Boleh ku bawa ke sekolah
Pon Pon Pon Pon Pon Pon Pon Pon Pon
Kereta kecilku berbunyi
Marilah adik Aqeef mari naik
Boleh kubawa kerumah Nek Jah
I soo love the newly modified lyrics, that i almost forgot the original one!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Qaisara is now playschooling
Thank god that I still remember the login password to blog. Sangat lama tidak belog, aite?
To the topic: Today is officially the 4th day since Qaisara enrolled to her playschool nearby her nursery. I'm kinda happy + sebak pun ada juge..anak ku sudah ke sekolah!
She's only 3 this year, to be exact this April. People might ask, why send her too early?
i) kesian dia, kecik lagi
ii) nanti dia jemu, lama sangat dekat tadika
And my answer would be:
i) she has been sent to nursery since she was 3 months old. Independency is not an issue. Lagipun daripada duduk main [read: bergaduh, berebut barang] dekat nursery, it's better to expose her new social skills and also new friends..
ii) Not sure if she'll get bored later on, one thing for sure she won't learn the same thing every year...plus she's only enrolled to playschool, and i choose montessori approach so that it won't stress on academics too much at her age...kalau nak kira jemu, kita kat primary school tu 6 tahun dekat sekolah yang sama jugak...ok je.
She seems enjoying her moment at school, still adapting though..I'm always hope and pray that she'll cope with her new environment fast and of course enjoying the class the whole year. AMIN.
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